Bea Goldmann CBD specialist author

Bea Goldman

Specialist author with a master’s degree in naturopathy and complementary medicine


ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a neurological disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. The impact of ADHD on daily life can be significant and traditional treatment with Ritalin is widely used. However, in this blog we will explore an alternative approach: using CBD as a possible treatment option for ADHD. Let’s dive in and find out if CBD could be a promising alternative to Ritalin.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a complex neurological disorder that manifests itself in symptoms such as restlessness, impulsivity and difficulty concentrating. Those affected, especially children, may have difficulties at school and in social situations. Traditional medical treatment for ADHD often consists of stimulants such as Ritalin, which are effective for some people but can also come with potentially serious side effects.

ADHD & Ritalin as conventional therapy

Ritalin, also known by its generic name methylphenidate, has been the traditional and widely used medical treatment option for people with ADHD for many years. This medication was first developed in the 1950s and has since established itself as one of the most commonly prescribed options. Ritalin belongs to the group of stimulants and is usually administered in the form of tablets or capsules. It is important to understand that Ritalin is the primary choice in the medical treatment of ADHD and produces positive results in many patients.

How does Ritalin work in the brain?

To understand how Ritalin works, we need to look at the neurotransmitters in our brain. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that are responsible for communication between nerve cells. In ADHD patients, signal transmission in the brain often does not function smoothly, which leads to typical symptoms such as attention deficit and impulsivity. Ritalin intervenes in this imbalance by increasing the concentration of certain neurotransmitters, particularly dopamine and norepinephrine. This increase in neurotransmitter activity improves attention and reduces impulsivity and hyperactivity. It helps patients concentrate better and complete their tasks more efficiently.

Effectiveness and side effects of Ritalin

Ritalin's effectiveness in treating ADHD is well documented and has helped many people manage their symptoms. Many patients report a significant improvement in their ability to concentrate and a reduction in impulsive behavior. Ritalin can have a positive impact on the daily lives of those affected and make everyday school or work easier.

However, the use of Ritalin also comes with possible side effects. These include sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, increased blood pressure and heart palpitations. In some cases, psychological side effects such as anxiety, nervousness or mood swings may also occur. The long-term effects of Ritalin use are not yet fully understood, and some researchers have concerns about the effects on the developing brain in children who take the drug long-term.

ADHD & CBD - A promising alternative?

What is CBD and how does it work in the body?

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound derived from the hemp plant. Unlike THC, another compound in hemp, CBD has no psychoactive properties, meaning it does not cause a "high." Instead, CBD works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is a regulatory network of receptors and neurotransmitters that plays an important role in maintaining balance in the body. CBD influences this system by activating receptors and modulating the release of certain neurotransmitters. This can have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect that could be beneficial for ADHD patients.

Previous research results on the use of CBD for ADHD

In recent years, research has begun to examine the potential of CBD as an alternative to traditional ADHD treatment. Numerous studies have shown that CBD could be a promising option. A key discovery was that CBD can increase activity in the brain's prefrontal cortex, which has been linked to improving attention and self-control. Additionally, some studies have suggested that CBD may help relieve anxiety and sleep problems that are often associated with ADHD.

How CBD might affect ADHD symptoms

The exact effect of CBD on ADHD is still the subject of intensive research. It is thought that CBD, through its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, may reduce the irritability and impulsivity that occur with ADHD. It could also help improve concentration and stabilize mood. However, it is important to emphasize that individual response to CBD may vary, and further studies are needed to determine the optimal dosage and use for ADHD patients.

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CBD vs. Ritalin: Pros and Cons

The comparison between CBD and Ritalin as treatment options for ADHD is of great interest. Both approaches have different characteristics and offer different advantages and disadvantages. Ritalin is a proven medication that has an immediate effect on symptoms and is prescribed by many doctors. On the other hand, there is CBD, a natural compound that has fewer side effects and has a wide range of uses. When choosing between the two approaches, patients and physicians must consider individual needs and circumstances.

Potential Benefits of CBD Compared to Ritalin

CBD offers some promising benefits compared to Ritalin. One of the most important aspects is that CBD generally has fewer side effects than Ritalin. This means that patients may not face the sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, or psychological side effects that can occur with Ritalin. CBD also has the potential to relieve anxiety and sleep problems, which can be of great benefit to many ADHD patients.

Another advantage of CBD is the versatility of its application. CBD products are available in various forms including oils, capsules, gummies, and creams. This allows patients to choose the dosage form that is most suitable for them. Additionally, CBD is legally available in many countries and does not require special prescriptions, making it easier to access for many people.

Risks and uncertainties associated with CBD and Ritalin

Despite the promising aspects of CBD, there are also risks and uncertainties that must be taken into account when using CBD. On the one hand, the dosage of CBD is a complex matter and requires precise adjustment to individual needs. Incorrect dosage can lead to undesirable effects. In addition, the long-term effects of CBD on ADHD have not yet been sufficiently researched, and there are still many open questions regarding the long-term effects on health.

Ritalin, on the other hand, has a long history of treating ADHD and is well researched. However, the possible side effects and long-term effects of Ritalin are also the subject of intense discussion and research.

Ultimately, the choice between CBD and Ritalin is an individual decision that should be made in consultation with a qualified doctor. The pros and cons of both treatment approaches must be carefully weighed to find the best possible solution for each individual ADHD patient.


Treating ADHD is complex, and in this blog we have looked at both Ritalin as a conventional therapy and CBD as a promising alternative. Ritalin appears to be a proven, immediate-acting option, but with potential side effects and uncertainties regarding long-term effects.

On the other hand, CBD offers fewer side effects and versatile uses, but further research is needed to clarify the optimal dosage and long-term effects.

The choice between Ritalin and CBD is individual and should be made in consultation with a specialist. With ADHD, it's about finding the best solution to improve the quality of life of those affected.

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Bea Goldmann, M.sc.

Bea Goldmann, our experienced specialist author with a master's degree in naturopathy and complementary medicine. Bea is the heart of our content because she not only brings in-depth knowledge, but also a passion for holistic health solutions.

Thanks to Bea's deep understanding of the power of nature and the science behind CBD, we can offer you content that not only informs, but also inspires. With every article she writes for CBD Shinygram, you will not only get insights into the benefits and uses of CBD, but also practical tips on how you can integrate CBD into your everyday life.

Find out more about Bea Goldmann